Mindful Ultramarathon Running: Train to Run Longer, Stronger and Faster With Less Effort

About the Book

Are you an ultramarathon runner who wants to improve your performance with a new, mindful approach?

Do you want to start running ultramarathon distances but don’t know if you’re up to the challenge?

This book will show you how it’s possible!

Millions of us run every day, whether it’s to catch a bus, a relaxing fun run around a park or a longer distance like a 10k or marathon. Only a small few take on ultramarathon running – distances that usually start at around 50km and can be very much longer.

Whether you are someone who is thinking about taking up this sport, or you are already doing it and want to add an alternative and less stressful tactic to your training regime, then this is the book you should be reading now

Inside the pages of Mindful Ultramarathon Running: Train to Run Longer, Stronger and Faster with Less Effort, you will find what you need to inspire you and develop the mindset required to run an ultramarathon distance, with chapters that examine:

  • Developing the motivation to go all the way
  • Preparing the mind for the task ahead
  • Why self-discovery is a great asset
  • Tapping into your natural powers
  • Forming a balanced program to run longer
  • How to run faster
  • And more…

There is no doubt that you are embarking on possibly the greatest challenge of your life when you make the decision to tackle an ultramarathon distance and a mindful approach is something that will make a huge difference to ensure you cross the finish line.

You owe it to yourself to be as well prepared as you can be and with Mindful Ultramarathon Running you have a book that delivers that preparation for you, one step at a time!

Author: Michael D'Aulerio
Genre: Running
ISBN: 9798622896484

List Price: 9.49
eBook Price: 3.49
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