7 Reasons Why You Should Run Commute To Work

7 Reasons Why You Should Run Commute To Work

With the prices of gas on the rise and the noticeable effects of global warming emerging, I believe it’s fair to say that most of us strive to reduce our global footprint, whether that be through our wallet or our contribution towards a cleaner environment.

But is it possible to accomplish both at the same time?

That is, save money and save the environment simultaneously.

The answer is: ABSOLUTLEY. And to top it all off you can become healthier and stronger in the process. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, not to the individuals who run commute to work.

Runners from all over the world of all different shapes and sizes are making a change and taking their commute into their own hands. Or should I say into their own feet. Commuting to work via running, or run commute, has a significant amount of benefits that increase our quality of life.

Read on and discover the top 7 reason why you should run commute to work and how it increases the quality of life for yourself, for others, and for the world we live in.

1. Save Money On Gas

Currently, the average gas price in the United States is $2.00 per gallon. In major cities within states like New York or California, you will find yourself paying over $2.50 per gallon.

Remember paying over $4.00 dollars in 2011?

During these uncertain times, it’s smart to be conscience of the money we spend and the money we save. Deciding to run commute will certainly help reduce your travel expenses and put a little more money back into your pocket. Not a bad way to save up for your next pair of running shoes!

7 Reasons Why You Should Run Commute To Work // Long Run Living

2. Helps Save The Environment

When you envision your vehicle and the dangerous gases and particles it omits into the earth’s atmosphere, your individual contribution of pollution may seem minuscule. However, if you take into consideration that last year there were more than 3.22 trillion miles traveled in the US alone [*], up 2.8 percent from 3.1 trillion miles in 2015, then things begin to seem much more detrimental.

It’s important that we do our part in promoting a healthy and safe atmosphere by not taking our beautiful planet for granted.

If every single person ran one time per week to one location imagine the significant impact this could have to the earth’s environment.

Be smart, do your part, and try pushing yourself a little more physically each day instead of pushing the pedal. Your run commute would certainly be doing your part.

7 Reasons Why You Should Run Commute To Work // Long Run Living

3. Provides Optimum Health

What could be healthier than starting your day on the move?

Movement is energy, movement is vitality, and movement is life. By starting each day running you not only feel better physically but you are also firing up your metabolism immediately in the morning which ultimately leads to weight loss.

No magic pills, no gimmicks, and no false advertising. By putting one foot in front of the other during your run commute you become healthy, what an amazingly simplistic and efficiently effective process.

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4. Creates A Better Mood

There are various factors that regulate our mood each day. Searching for a cure for the Monday morning work day blues?

Here’s the answer: run commute.

While running, your body becomes oxygenated providing a full force of energy each morning. It also increases the level of chemicals in your body that promotes positive feelings such as serotonin and dopamine which in turn immediately reduces stress.

Not only will you thank yourself, but so will your loved ones and coworkers from the sudden positive shift in your mood. When you have time to run and spend time with yourself, to organize your thoughts, you can then in turn give more to others.

When I come home from a morning run my boys get 100% of Daddy. This would be compared to hanging around the house being passively attentive. I gain an increased amount of appreciation for life and they gain an increased amount of piggy back rides through the hallway.

Running can make you a better and more aware you.

7 Reasons Why You Should Run Commute To Work // Long Run Living

5. Feel Better About Life

Life is what you make it. The moment you begin living on your own terms is the moment you begin to actually live. Through this perspective, we become leaders, we become role models, and we become fulfilled.

The run commute brings control back into your corner. It pulls you out of the rat race and into your own way of living. It promotes a proactive approach to your day instead of a day of reaction.

The fact that we are living in a society where nobody moves anymore, running is king!

6. Learn Self Discipline

Discipline is far from negative, however, we tend to develop a negative association towards the word from childhood. We sometimes feel that discipline means someone is in control of us, however, it’s quite the contrary.

When you have discipline, that is, when you have self-discipline, it means you are in control, it means you follow through with your goals, and that you hold yourself accountable. You understand the importance of keeping your word and you take the initiative to follow through.

Waking up for a run commute teaches this concept to a person. When you hold yourself responsible you immediately reduce the process of excuse creation and take action to achieve your goals. Adjusting to a new morning exercise regiment will require new qualities and new strengths, the type that you need to live a full healthy and exceptionally brilliant life.

7 Reasons Why You Should Run Commute To Work // Long Run Living

7. Improved Sleep

A good healthy and honest work out will put stress on your body, like running to work.

The daily demand of resistance caused from your run commute leads to your body’s recovery. The body will recover and grow back stronger but time to heal is always required.

Sleep is recovery time and it triggers your brain to provide a good night’s rest in the aid of repairing and strengthening your muscles. Running to work can provide the right amount of stress your body requires to hit the pillow hard for a well needed good night sleep. Run until you pass out then wake up and run some more!

Final Thoughts

Running to work forces us to adjust down a new path and in a new direction. Sure, it will cause resistance in our lives but isn’t that how we experience growth?

We expand by demand and stagnation is an irrelevant term for the living. If we are not moving forward than we are moving backwards. The moment we feel comfortable is the moment we are in trouble.

Yes, we expand by demand, by resistance, and by opposition. Running puts our body in motion as it warms us up and provides the edge we need to take on great obstacles and challenges throughout the day. So, bring on the day! We are run commuters!

REMEMBER … Your run commute increases the quality of your life!

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7 Reasons Why You Should Run Commute To Work // Long Run Living

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